Monday, July 17, 2017

E-mail to Dad (Dated: 7/17/2017)

This week Brandon send me a personal letter and it was really heartwarming to hear. I wanted to share some of the things that he shared because I believe it can help others to hear his testimony.
Dad, I just thought I'd share with you my progress and just some my thoughts. First, I feel so much better now. Things have really come into view. I have six months in the mission now. I read back on some of my past journal entries and it is hilarious to see the change in myself.  I love how things seem hard in some moments but when I look back, I got through it because I pressed forward with faith, just like it says in Ether 12. It’s wonderful to be able to say that I did pass through those moments of difficulties even though at the time, I thought there was no way. I look back at those lines in my journal when I would write about the language and how hard it's been for me. But now, I'm coming to know how to hold a conversation and I can understand a lot of Spanish. I’m coming to know the scriptures a lot better and gaining a stronger testimony. I now have the lessons down in Spanish to the point that I can teach people rather than teach just lessons. I am able to trust more in the Savior and in Heavenly Father.

Along with this I've grown to trust that I can do anything and that I can receive strength beyond my own. In fact, this is the promise that we receive as missionaries. I will admit that I may not know a lot of answers or all of the scripture references, but I have a strong testimony and I know the truth of the things that I'm teaching. I know that I have a message to share that is perfect and I have a Savior that saved me personally as well as the rest of the world. Our Heavenly Father and the Savior created a perfect plan making it possible for us to overcome death and to receive a remission of our sins by His blood and by His sacrifice. That’s why I'm here. Faith is not to have perfect knowledge, but it is our duty as members to grow the church through sharing of our testimonies. It's a sacred privilege and it's our sacred privilege to know the gospel. Who are we if we don’t show others an example through our actions and help teach them. My patriarchal blessing emphasizes just like the scriptures that where much is given, much is required.

Now, Dad, can you believe I have six months in the mission this month??!!!??. Five months in Silao. It's mind blowing to me! I've grown with the families here. It's small but it's good. I'm excited about my next change to start anew and have people know more of the real me. I'm just excited to see what happens for the rest of the time that Elder Morales and I are together and also what is next.

Dad, I can't tell you I grateful I am. I receive your letters and your e-mails. There's a lot of Elders here that just don't have the kind of support from their dads. But I am beyond grateful to you for never making me feel scared to talk to you. Or feel like I'm going to be lectured. Many Elders receive letters from their dads where they say something like, “stay obedient” and “don't disappoint me”, so thank you for always picking me back up dad.

Know that I'm doing great and that I’m loving the mission and that I am so beyond grateful to be here. I'm striving to be better every day. I have felt an overwhelming load of blessings. I have learned so much and I am still learning. The mission is a lot different than I expected but it’s a good different. I have learned to enjoy the mission. I still feel like I am trying to understand my purpose for being sent to Mexico. Maybe it is something that I need to experience specifically or maybe it is someone that I am here for. I am learning to love the people in the country and I’d love any tips you can give me for that.

Know that I'm doing good dad and I'm striving to be better every day.

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